Türi-Alliku EFF191 and EPC2410
Lüübnitsa Külalismaja Setomaal EPB393 ja EFF2224 (foundation)
Meteo Maja, Tähesaju tee 21, Tallinn (partial coverage) EPC432
EQG2523 ja EDM505
Rakvere EFF191 and EFF193
Tapa commercial building (partial coverage) EPC2411
Otepää EFF271 and EFF273
Sõpruse pst 208 KÜ, Tallinn EFF052 and EPS495 (end walls and foundation)
Saaremaa EPS495
Kostivere fire station and youth centre EPB392
Vango Holiday Village Rabbit Hole hotel EFF052
Nõo municipality EFM202
Saadjärve EFF2421 and EPC765
Räpina School of Horticulture’s Jõe student hostel (partial coverage) EFF162 and EPS492
Tänassilma, Harjumaa EPC241 and EPC245
Harjumaa EPC932 and EJB6521
Lithuania EFF165
Linnu tee 46 // Nõmme tee 70, Tallinn EPF791US | Modern Brick
Võru 65a, Tartu EPC764
Metsakasti village, Viimsi municipality EPC765
Saue municipality EFM502 and EDM505
Peetri EFF191
Paide commercial building (partial coverage) EPC2411
Aegviidu EFM502, EJB3523 and EFF1222
Uusküla EFF191
Peetri ELS108
Tuhala, Harjumaa EFF0921
Latvia EFF056
Lithuania EJB6521 and EFF201
Tallinn EFF191, EFF193, EJB6522 and EPC933
Coop Kiviõli Konsum EDM504
Coop Linnamäe store extension EFM501
Coop Risti store extension EFF107
Võru EFF075
Lithuania EFF191 and EFF194
Tallinn EPS493, EFF2324 and EFM501
Tallinn EPS493 and EFM501
Burger King Latvia, Riga, Kurzemes prospect 1B EPC762
Esplanaadi 10, Pärnu EPS231
Latvia EJB3622 and EPS493
Hüüru EFF0921
Paide 7, Tallinn EPC932
Saku EFM503
Aleksandri 53, Tartu EPF151
Jõgeva EPS475
Keila EFX2352
Haapsalu EFF053
Põik 16, Tartu EFF2224 and EFM503 (foundation)
Jõgeva Health Centre EFF274
Hüüru EFF274
Tartu EFF056
Viimsi municipality EFF192
Tallinn EDM505 and EFM502
Harjumaa EDM505 and EPC762
Viimsi EQG5124
Pärnu Rääma basic school gym EDS2313, EPF151 and EF2921
Allika tee 1 commercial building, Peetri village EPC432
Põltsamaa EPB331
Saue State Gymnasium EPS475
Pirita EPF151
Latvia EJB3623
Lithuania EPC432
Läänemaa EFF2224
Läänemaa EPC245
Lithuania EFF056
Riga EJB4922
Saku municipality EFM501
Pärnu EF2921
Sweden EPS493
Kolde pst 88, Tallinn EFF117
Põik 12, Tartu EFF071
Pärnu EPB293
Kastani 43, Tartu EFF075
Uus 21, Tartu EFF075
Rakvere EFF2324
Burger King Latvia, Riga, Vienibas gatve 113 EPC762
Läänemaa EFF116
Püünsi EFF107
Pärnu EPC932
Motokaubad store in Tallinn EDM504
Klaose, Tartu EPS475 and EDM1011
Klaose 8, Tartu EPS475
Aeru 5, Tartu EPS475
Uuslinna 11 commercial building, Tallinn EFM503
Punane 6, Tallinn EPB393
Lääne-Virumaa EFF2221
Rakvere EFF191 and EFF193
Ruut 66 Pub, Märjamaa EPC247
Agricultural Research Centre in Saku EPB293
Kindergarten in Latvia EPS492
Latvia EPS494 and EJB3624
Icon Plaza EPB393
Haapsalu EDM504
Havi Keskus, Haapsalu EPA128
Järveküla EPS494
Tartu EPS475
Harjumaa EPC246
Hageri EPB338
Kadrina EJB4923
Läänemaa EFM501 and EDM504
Tartu county EFF274
Burger King Lithuania EPC762
Latvia EPC432
Apartment building
Burger King Estonia at Rocca al Mare Shopping Centre EPC762
USA EPF791US | Modern Brick
Michigan, USA EDM1014
Lawrence, Kansas, USA EDM1017
Hyatt EPF151 | Plymouth Brick
Detroit Pistons Performance Center
MarDent Kesklinna Hambakliinik in Haapsalu EJB6521
EFM501 and EFF2323